Featured Member: Travis Kraus


NAME: Travis Kraus


PROFESSION/VOCATION?: I’m a community and economic developer

Q0.  TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m a long-time resident of Iowa City (minus one 3-year stint in a more rural corner of Iowa). You can spot me and the family (one spouse, three kids, and our dog Cosmo) downtown pretty regularly taking advantage of all IC has to offer. My professional career focuses on helping communities be more sustainable (economically, socially, and environmentally). Right now I’m fortunate that I get to do that alongside talented and creative University of Iowa faculty and students. My own artistic interests and endeavors have primarily been film & video production and recycled art.

Q1.  YOU x YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO PS1:  I am a volunteer on the Gallery Team, which I decided was a good use of my time and energy after a very wonderful PS1 experience with my own show in April 2018. I’ve enjoyed helping out with a couple of committees focused on transitioning into the new permanent spaces. I also look for every opportunity to create spreadsheets for PS1, because I love spreadsheets.

Q2.  THE FIRST IMPRESSION: Although I had been aware of Public Space One for a while already, I think my first official experience was seeing a great band called The Emilees play in the basement of the Jefferson Building. I really valued having a local arts non-profit in Iowa City that supports emerging artists and provides space for artistic experimentation and exploration.

Q3.  THE BEST (AND WORST!?):  Other than my own amateur art show (which was super gratifying… thanks PS1!), I appreciate work (especially performance art) that pushes me outside of my comfort zone a bit. Weird stuff happens at PS1, which keeps me coming back.

Q4.  WHY THE LOVE!?!?  Oh, the people working and volunteering at PS1 are really fantastic. I’m encouraged by their dedication, kindness, and brilliance. They work hard to accommodate artists and other community members that just want to be involved in the arts scene. I also believe that arts & culture anchors people to their community (even when they move away) and helps shape community identity. PS1 is an essential and significant contributor to the Iowa City art scene. 

Q5. PS1 x FUTURE: Now that PS1 has a new permanent home and has merged with PATV, there are so many possibilities for the future. I’m excited that more people are learning about this previously-obscure-ish community treasure. Even as PS1 grows, I’m certain they will stick to the core mission of being artist-led, community-driven, and a strong advocate for art in everyday life, which is so important.

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