Image: Michelle Edwards “The hand that rocks the cradle, rocks the world.”
Call for Artists: Artists Post the Vote!
Let’s use our art to motivate, inspire, encourage, and support voters.
This is a call for artists to support the democratic process by creating a postcard edition for people to post, send, or display. Public Space One and Iowa City Press Co-op will sell packets of the postcards, pre-stamped and ready to use, for slightly over the cost of the included postage.
Participate! If you would like to join the cause by producing an edition for sale, please reply to: by Sept 1st.
Postcard Size: 4x5”
Edition size: no default run, between 30-100 each artist ideally
Deadline for participation: Sept 1, 2020
Deadline for finished edition: Sept 15, 2020
What will be sold: Pack of 10 postcards (2-4 designs) is $5 for local p/u, $12 if shipped
Pack of 20 postcards (5-8 designs) is $10 local pick-up, $17 shipped
Questions? Contact: